Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How long in advance should we book?

A: We recommend booking ASAP as dates run out quickly! 

Q: For my engagement session, we don’t know how to pose. Will you guide us? 

A: Of course! We’ll be there every step of the way.

Q: When will my photos and video be ready? 

A: It takes us six weeks to select, edit, and deliver your gallery of photos and video(s) after the 


Q: When will we get our album, USB, and all other products add-ons?

A: All deliverables and orders are hand-delivered or shipped within 3 weeks of gallery delivery.

Q: Do you provide raw files?

A: We don’t provide raw files of your photos or videos.

Q: Can we upgrade our album, USB, or get any other prints?

A: Absolutely! You can check our full list of add-ons here:

Q: Do you only photograph or video record weddings and engagement sessions?

A: We do all types of events! Feel free to reach out with details of your special celebration for more info.

Q: What are your payment terms and options? 

A: A non-refundable retainer is required to secure your date and then the final balance is due 1 week before the wedding date.

Q: Can I make changes to my video and/or photos?

A: If you want any changes made to your media, please contact us, and we’ll make the changes ourselves. 

Q: Do we travel?

A: Yes! We’re a destination team, and we’re happy to travel to your event.

Q: What’s your style? 

A: We love to shoot with high saturation and bright, bold colors.

We can´t wait to hear from you!